Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm cleared!

Hello friends,

I created this blog to keep everyone informed of the "Chronicles of Christie," I plan to write a tidbit here and there letting you know what's going on in my life or where I might need prayer. I actually created this blog some time ago but since I was so patiently waiting... and waiting... and waiting... for my clearance to be approved, I regret to report I haven't had much to say other than a snide, irritable, "I don't know anything more! When I hear anything, I'll let everyone know. Stop asking!" In fact, on threat of sending "Guido the leg-breaker" after anyone who brought up my potential move to England, the world remained uneasily silent.

However, in mid-October, after having been given word that I would have a job -- it was only a matter of time -- I decided to move out of my house and let an awesome family move in...they had been patiently waiting (and when I say patiently, I truly mean hit men were ever involved). I had the help of many wonderful ladies packing up my worldly goods and several willing men moving my stuff. This packing/moving experience actually reminded of my pastor, Craig's sermon from last week when he spoke about giving aid to "widows and orphans." I was struck by how, though neither a widow nor an orphan, I was so desperately needy preparing for this move. There is no way I could have packed my house without help. There is no way I could have moved my stuff, even only the 6 houses down to store my things at my dear friend's house, without the help of some godly (and strong) men in my church. These people EXCELLED at giving aid to this "widow and orphan." I am so grateful for their assistance! I know God was glorified in the way they served me and walked out what James 1:27 calls, "pure religion".

Well, action apparently begets action because, on 26 October, I received word my clearances were in order! Next thing I knew, they were shooting for a 14 November arrival date. Eeeeekkk! Yes, I'm all packed up. Yes, I've been waiting for this for over 6 months! and YES, this is an answer to prayer. But that's 13 days! Wow. I'm still awaiting some final documents, little things like my contract and a letter of invitation allowing me to work in the UK on behalf of the US Department of Defense. With those, I can apply for a work visa and get the ball rolling. The next few weeks promise to be incredibly full.

I still don't have a place to live or know what kind of vehicle I'll purchase/lease upon my arrival. I could use your prayers for those needs. More importantly, I'm not sure where I'll be going to church and ask for your prayers, that I might find a great place to worship and serve.

I promise, there'll be more when my head stops spinning. Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and best wishes! Cheerio!

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